New Music + Video: Farabale - Brainjo @iam_brainjo

BRAINJO – FARABALE | @iam_ brainjo Jonathan Anaeto Chukwudebe "Brainjo" formerly known as Black J, is an Afro Pop, Highlife and Reggae Dancehall Artiste, he was born and raised in Shendam near Jos Plateau State 28 years ago. The Ihiala Anambra state born fast rising Artiste lost his parents 23 years ago at a very young age. As an ambitious lad, on December 2003, Brainjo move down to Lagos State in pursue of greener pasture, he has been on the street of Lagos for over fourteen years, doing all manner of jobs just to raise money to record his songs. He recorded his first music single "African beauty in 2005 with the late Ojb Jezreel of blessed memories. In 2009 he tried again by recording three singles, “Pitty drivers”, “Party with me” and “Mummy why” produced by J-Martins. Brainjo appeared on major newspapers and magazines with interviews and reviews as (Black J ) in 2007/2009 respectively. In 2011 he recorded a song "Want to do" which was produced by Meca E. To crown it all, Brainjo tagged the year 2017 as "My Year of Breaking Barriers". Brainjo never give up on his dreams, he made a come-back with a new music single titled “Farabale” which was produced by DTunes. You can follow Brainjo on Twitter and Instagram @iam_ brainjo. To view the new

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                                              DOWNLOAD FARABALE BY BRAINJO


Monday 29 April 2019

11-Year-Old Kid From Nigeria Creates Hyperrealistic Drawings, And The Result Will Blow Your Mind

April 29, 2019

11-Year-Old Kid From Nigeria Creates Hyperrealistic Drawings, And The Result Will Blow Your Mind

Meet Kareen Waris Olamilekan (also known as Waspa), an 11-year-old artist from Lagos, Nigeria, who is quickly gaining international recognition for his life-like drawings.

This talented young man is currently studying at Ayowole Academy of Arts, calls himself a “bitty artist”, and dreams about seeing his works in a museum someday.

Olamilekan has been drawing since the age of 6, and the main subject of his hyperrealistic works is usually portraits, although he sometimes goes beyond them, too. “I draw my friends. I draw cartoons, comics. I draw illustrations from textbooks and newspapers,” Olamilekan told BBC. “I draw hyperrealistic pencil works.”

Every drawing that Kareen creates stuns us with the details that are not something very common for an 11-year-old. Kareen says that his inspiration comes from everything that’s happening around him, especially his family, but also he reflects a lot on two of his artistic idols – Nigerian artist Arinze Stanley, who also specializes in hyperrealism, and Italian Renaissance master Michelangelo.

The most famous artwork that Olamilekan created is called “Daily Bread” – it depicts a person eating in sweat and tears. “My family, we work hard before we put food in our mouths, before we eat,” explains Kareen. “That’s what inspires me.”

This is Kareen Waris Olamilekan, an 11-year-old artist from Lagos, Nigeria

He’s quickly gaining international recognition for his life-like drawings

This talented young man is currently studying at Ayowole Academy of Arts

He calls himself a “bitty artist”, and dreams about seeing his works in a museum someday

Olamilekan has been drawing since the age of 6

The main subject of his hyperrealistic works is usually portraits, although he sometimes goes beyond them, too

“I draw my friends. I draw cartoons, comics. I draw illustrations from textbooks and newspapers”

Every drawing that Kareen creates stuns people with the details that are not very common for an 11-year-old

Kareen says that his inspiration comes from everything that’s happening around him, especially his family

He also reflects a lot on two of his artistic idols – Nigerian artist Arinze Stanley and Italian master Michelangelo

The most famous artwork that Olamilekan created is called “Daily Bread”

It depicts a person eating in sweat and tears

“My family, we work hard before we put food in our mouths, before we eat,” explains Kareen

“That’s what inspires me”

Although Kareen is using social media for not that long

He’s already counting almost 38k followers on Instagram who are stunned by his artworks

What a talented young man!

JAMB to review 687 CBT centres' reports before releasing UTME results

April 29, 2019

JAMB to review 687 CBT centres' reports before releasing UTME results

Apr 30, 2019 12:01 AM

The results of this year’s unified tertiary matriculation examination (UTME) will be released as soon as reports from the 687 Computer-Based Test centres used for the conduct of the examination are reviewed, the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board, has said.

The board said the review of reports from the centres would be concluded either Monday (yesterday) or Tuesday (today).

JAMB spokesperson Dr. Fabian Benjamin, who addressed reporters yesterday in Abuja on the issue, attributed the delay in releasing the results to fraudulent practices by some candidates.

The UTME was conducted between April 11 and 17.

Benjamin said some candidates abused some of the innovations introduced by the board, making it necessary to properly screen the UTME results to ensure that the board does not release the results of a compromised examination.

He said: “We are comparing reports from the field, and as soon as we finish – either today or tomorrow – we will commence the process of releasing the results.

“We are collecting reports from 687 centres. The results will be released as soon as we finish what we are doing.”

The JAMB spokesman also said the board would investigate issues bordering on biometric failure during the conduct of the examination.

There were reports of biometric verification challenge in some centres during the examination.

Benjamin said the board would look into it as soon as it finishes releasing the UTME results to ensure that candidates with genuine biometric issues are not made to suffer.

According to him, if a candidate could be captured during registration, there is nothing stopping the fingerprints of such candidate from being captured during the examination.

“As soon as we finish releasing results, we will look into it. If there is any candidate with genuine reason, we will see what we can do.

“We will investigate all issues of biometric verification. If we find the cases to be genuine, we will do the needful,” he said.

Sunday 28 April 2019

This Man Knew He Was Being Scammed on the Internet. What He Did Next Changed His Scammer’s Life

April 28, 2019

This Man Knew He Was Being Scammed on the Internet. What He Did Next Changed His Scammer’s Life

Apr 28, 2019 11:43 PM

An online con 
goes wonderfully, 
implausibly right.

From target and scammer to business partners and friends: Ben Taylor (left) and Joel Willie Courtesy Ben Taylor From target and scammer to business partners and friends: Ben Taylor (left) and Joel Willie

One day in the winter of 2017, Ben Taylor received this random Facebook message: “My name is Joel from Liberia, 
West Africa. I need some assistance from you. Business or financial assistance dat [sic] will help empower me.”

No one likes Internet scammers, Taylor included. So the 32-year-old marketer from Ogden, Utah, insincerely responded, “How can I help?”
“I wanted to see how this whole scam operation worked and how they bait people,” Taylor explains. “I just wanted to go down this rabbit hole and see what are the tricks that they use to get people.”

But there’s no way he could have guessed what would happen next. Joel Willie was indeed in Liberia, and he proposed a business partnership. He asked Taylor to mail some used electronics to an address in New Jersey. Supposedly the electronics would be resold and the profits split between the two of them.

“I looked the place up on Google Earth,” Taylor says. “There were broken-­down cars all over the place.” He wrote back to Willie and told him he was skeptical. Willie insisted he would never take advantage of someone. “­Bible says in Proverbs 22 a good name is better than silver n gold,” he wrote.

Taylor didn’t buy it, and he replied with a small lie of his own. “I figured the more time of theirs that I can waste, the less time that they’d have to spend ripping me or other people off.”

He told Willie he owned a photography business and could use some pretty pictures.

“How about a nice Liberian sunset?” Taylor asked.

Was Taylor planning on paying for the photos? Willie wanted to know.

“If they’re good, sure,” Taylor said.

Willie wasted no time. He snapped a couple of sunset photos on his old dinosaur flip phone and sent them to Taylor’s phone the next day.

“I told him, ‘Hey, this is great,’ ” Taylor says. Another fib—he wasn’t even sure it was a sunset in the photos.

Willie said he could take better pictures if he had a better camera. Taylor decided to play along and see what happened. So he picked up the cheapest camera he could find—a shiny red one—and shipped it off to Liberia. The postage cost as much as the camera. And now Taylor was really invested in this—whatever it was. “My family thinks I’m crazy because I’m interacting with this guy in Liberia,” he says.

Willie kept in close touch, telling Taylor he wanted to be a journalist. He wrote, “I’ve decided 2 really commit n devote myself 2 dis business, what other pictures you want me 2 take?”

Still skeptical, Taylor said he’d like to see 20 shots of life in Liberia. A week later, a bunch more blurry photos came through on his phone.
“Joel has to be the worst photographer on the planet,” Taylor said in a YouTube video he made chronicling his adventures. By now, he had realized something interesting was happening and decided to document it.

When Taylor wrote back, he shared some advice for taking better ­pictures—hold the camera steady, for one thing. The next batch of Willie’s photos came a few days later and contained about 20 more shots of people doing everyday things: walking in town, tinkering on their houses (some of which could only generously be described as shacks). For Taylor, the images were heartbreaking. He had never seen such poverty. But their quality was much better—which posed a big problem.

“When he put in the work, I thought, Oh no, now I’ve got to figure out a way to compensate Joel for these pictures, or I’m going to be the scammer,” Taylor says.

Willie’s photos of life in Liberia struck a chord with people around the world. Courtesy Ben Taylor Willie’s photos of life in Liberia struck a chord with people around the world.

He decided to make a booklet using the pictures, calling it By D Grace of God, a phrase borrowed from ­Willie’s messages. Then Taylor took to ­YouTube, where a few thousand people had started to follow his dispatches, and to the crowdfunding site, where he figured he’d sell a few copies of the 16-page booklet, featuring a dozen of Willie’s Liberia photos, for $8 a pop. Sales exploded.

“People from around the world and places that I’ve never even heard of were buying Joel’s book,” Taylor says.

Soon he had raised $1,000. He told Willie he could have half. And the rest? Well, Taylor decided that Willie would get that, too—but with a catch. Taylor told him he had to donate that $500 to charity.

That is more than a year’s salary in Liberia. So Taylor didn’t really expect an unemployed, impoverished hustler to just give all that money away. Then another batch of pictures arrived. They showed smiling children with book bags and notebooks. Willie had bought out a market, rented a cab to haul the loot, and blessed five schools with abundance.

“He came through,” Taylor says. It was a revelation.

Taylor set aside his doubt and distrust, and then he did something else he never could have imagined a few months earlier: He traveled 6,500 miles to Monrovia, Liberia. He wanted to confront the man who’d tried to scam him, although confront probably isn’t the right word.

Willie says scam isn’t the right word either. He says he had just been looking to make a friend. But he also needed money.

By the time the two men finally met in person, he had found both. “We were business partners. And we were friends,” says Taylor.

Taylor expected that Willie would pocket all their sales money. Then this photo arrived. Courtesy Ben Taylor Taylor expected that Willie would pocket all their sales money. Then this photo arrived.

When he got to Monrovia, Taylor felt surprisingly at home. “I saw the places and the faces from the pictures Joel had sent,” he says. When he got to 
Willie’s street, he recognized it right away. He found his friend sitting outside his house, which was little more than cinder block walls, a dirt floor, and a tin roof. Inside were ­Willie’s wife and some of his seven children, who also greeted Taylor like an old friend.

Willie confessed to Taylor that he used to send Facebook messages to strangers, hoping to find some way a new friend would help him out of poverty. He said he was “more than desperate.”

“To feed the kids, a lot of things run into your mind,” Willie said. “Go and do this—the wrong thing.”

Fortunately, “By D Grace of God,” it never came to that. The booklets kept selling (8,000 at press time). People started taking pictures of themselves holding their copies and posting them on social media with the tag #bookofjoel. Soon Willie had new friends in more than 
40 countries, and Taylor’s fund-raising campaign had raised $12,000.

Some of the profits went toward Willie’s basic needs, such as a new roof to keep the rain out of his home. But the two men decided most of the money should be reinvested in the community.

Half the people in Liberia survive on less than $2 a day. Over the past 
20 years, the country has seen two civil wars and an Ebola outbreak that killed nearly 5,000 people in a nation of more than four million. Because need is every­where, Taylor and Willie decided to start with the most vulnerable and supplied five more schools with book bags, notebooks, and other necessities.

Taylor decided to tell their story in a second booklet, By D Grace of God: A True Story. Sales of both booklets total some $90,000 so far. And over the past year or so, with Taylor in Utah keeping track of the money and wiring it as needed and Willie the man on the street in Monrovia, they have done a lot more good. They paid the utility bills at one school and the teachers’ salaries at another that was about to close because its funding had dried up. For Christmas, Willie handed out care packages of used clothing to 500 kids—what he said they wanted most—and 25 bags of rice to needy families. They have begun mentoring entrepreneurs and making microloans of $50 to $100—a life-changing sum in Monrovia.

Willie’s street looked familiar to Taylor, thanks to all the blurry photos. Courtesy Ben Taylor Willie’s street looked familiar to Taylor, thanks to all the blurry photos.

Of course, the locals aren’t the only ones who have been changed by this unlikely partnership. Taylor says he’s no longer the cynic who started all this. “That’s just not me,” he says. “I’ve changed. I set out to embarrass a guy. I ended up helping a guy. I would much rather continue to help people. You feel good when you help others.”

As for Willie, he says he’s changed too. Although he still has to support his wife and kids on what many Americans spend at Starbucks, he says he’s OK using much of the money to help others. In fact, he says the opportunity to be charitable may be the best thing to come from all this.

“I used to receive,” Willie says. “I’m the one who’s giving now, and it’s better to give than to always receive.”

Did he ever consider keeping the $500? No, he says. “It’s stealing. And that would be dishonest. When you are truthful, when you are honest, you can come from nobody to somebody. I have come from zero to hero.”

Taylor has already been back to 
Liberia, and he says he plans to keep going, to keep helping. Because, as he says, “when you give someone a chance, sometimes they’re not who you thought they were. Sometimes they ­surprise you. And sometimes you end up being the answer to their prayers.”

JAMB to release 2019 UTME results Monday

April 28, 2019

JAMB to release 2019 UTME results Monday

Apr 28, 2019 6:45 AM

The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has assured candidates of the 2019 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) that results would be ready from tomorrow, April 29.

The Board’s Head of Media and Publicity, Dr Fabian Benjamin, disclosed this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Saturday in Bwari.

Benjamin said that screening of the results would soon be over and the result released.

“We are still screening but hopefully, anytime next week, the results will be ready,” he said. (NAN)

Tuesday 23 April 2019

You’re Ignorant, Watch Your Language: Dogara Blasts Tinubu On Budget Padding Allegation!

April 23, 2019

You’re Ignorant, Watch Your Language: Dogara Blasts Tinubu On Budget Padding Allegation!

Apr 23, 2019 12:53 Pm

Dogara; Tinubu

Leke Baiyewu, Abuja

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mr. Yakubu Dogara, has replied the National Leader of the All Progressives Congress, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, over the latter’s allegation that the National Assembly has been padding the national budget for four years.

Dogara, in a statement by his Special Adviser on Media and Public Affairs, Mr. Turaki Hassan, carpeted Tinubu, describing him as “ignorant of the budgetary process.”

The statement reads in part, “Only the ignorant with dubious academic certificates will say the maker of a document has padded the document that only he can constitutionally make.

“Finally, we advise Asiwaju Tinubu to be circumspect in his use of language.

“In this case, he spoke as a spokesperson of depravity. Our reaction must therefore be seen as a provoked counter-punch.

“Any one can descend into the gutter if he so wishes; but no one has a monopoly of gutter language.

“We won’t run an adult day care centre anymore on matters like this.”

Monday 22 April 2019

2019 UTME results still under scrutiny ― JAMB

April 22, 2019

2019 UTME results still under scrutiny ― JAMB

THE Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board has explained the delay in release of the results of the just concluded 2019 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME), saying it is a “programmed delay.”

The Board said the results are still under scrutiny following discovery that the cases of multiple registration and impersonation were massive.

JAMB made this known in its Weekly Bulletin made available to newsmen on Monday in Abuja, disclosing that over 100 candidates have been picked up by security agencies particularly for incident of multiple registration aimed at facilitating impersonation and “ghost” writing.

The Board, however, said the process of checking the results has been simplified, saying all a candidate needed to do was to send RESULT to 55019 using the same phone number that was used for registration and that the result would be returned as a Text Message.

JAMB Registrar, Professor Is-haq Oloyede, had vowed to ensure that no act of examination infraction could escape the eagle eye of the Board having engaged cutting edge technology to capture all activities taking place in all Computer Based Test (CBT) centres nationwide.

This is even as the Board announced that the results of all examinations held at two CBT centres in Abia State, namely Heritage and Infinity CBT Centre and Okwyzil Computer Institute Comprehensive School, Ugwunabo, Aba, have been cancelled due to widespread irregularities.

“By implication, all the results of all the examination sessions starting from 11th April to 18th, 2019 conducted by the Board at these two centres were cancelled,” JAMB said.

It said the action was taken after visual evidence derived from a careful review of the CCTV recordings by a panel of experts engaged by the Board, adding that some candidates who had not taken their examinations were however, relocated from the two centres to others when the officials of the Board discovered massive irregularities at the affected centres.

The Board in the Bulletin said: “After a thorough, rigorous and successful screening process to identify and apprehend examination cheats especially those involved in multiple registration through the combination of fingers for biometric capturing, group bulk registration by elite schools, which ended up mixing candidates’ data, JAMB would release the results of the 2019 UTME.

“The examination began on Thursday 11 April, 2019 and as usual the results are expected to be out within 24 to 48 hours as obtained in previous examinations held in 2017 and 2018.

“However, the Board does not want the release of the 2019 UTME results to be business as usual; hence the programmed delay, which is part of its deliberate efforts to properly scrutinize, identify and address all forms of examination malpractices, particularly as it pertains to ghost writing and multiple registrations.

“The Board has simplified the process of checking the 2019 UTME results conducted from Thursday 11th April, to Thursday 18th April, 2019 for candidates thereby precluding their unconscionable exploitation by shylock business centres which often take advantage of candidates,” the Board said.

Meanwhile, JAMB has disclosed that no less than 100 candidates have been arrested by security agencies nationwide as the Board recorded a major breakthrough in the efforts to sanitize the examination process and strengthen the integrity of the Board’s examination results.

The Board said the annual examination had been bedeviled by unwholesome practices of candidates, their parents and other accomplices.

JAMB particularly noted that the incident of multiple registration according to its findings with respect to biometrics, facial recognition and names among others, indicated that multiple registrations bloat the actual candidates’ registrations in any given year by as much as 30 per cent.

It said from the data available, this unwholesome act was not limited to any part of the country but cuts across all the states of the federation including the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).

The Board said in its efforts to stamp out all forms of examination malpractices had synergised with security agencies nationwide to entrap the culprits resulting in their apprehension.

It said: “Among those arrested was a candidate who registered sixty-four (64) times in a bid to ‘ghost-write’ examination for 64 candidates since the examination runs for seven days with an average of three shifts per day per centre.

“It should be noted that the arrest of the suspects was made possible by the comprehensive and mandatory identity checks conducted on those taking the examination with a view to fishing out professional ghost writers before the release of the results.

Devoted Catholics Nailed To Crosses To Celebrate Good Friday

April 22, 2019

Devoted Catholics Nailed To Crosses To Celebrate Good Friday

A group of devoted Catholics have been crucified to mark Good Friday.

The tradition takes place in the Philippinesevery year and sees hoards of believers nailed to wooden crosses - even though the church does not agree with it.

One of those, Ruben Enaje, has been nailed to a cross every year for the last three decades, with this being his 33rd time.

The 58-year-old takes on the role of Jesus Christ, portraying his death at the mock Calvary in San Pedro Cutud village in Pampanga province.

Ruben Enaje, was 'crucified' for the 33rd year in a row. Credit: PA

Actors taking part in the reconstruction, drove four-inch nails through his hands and feet, before raising him up on a wooden cross for five minutes.

Speaking to reporters ahead of the sacred day, Enaje said this is how he finds 'solace'.

He said: "More than penance, this is a solace for me. I feel relieved and happy after every crucifixion because I know that I said my prayers in the best way I can.

Ruben Enaje is crucified during the celebration in 2015. Credit: PA

"As I carry the cross and be nailed on it, all I do is keep praying, ask for forgiveness and give thanks for all the blessings I have received for the whole year, and ask for another bountiful year."

However, despite having put his body on the line for more than three decades in the name of his faith, Enaje admits he cannot do it forever.

He added: "I am turning 59 years old this coming July. I am getting old and my body can barely handle the physical pain of my penance.

The 58-year-old was crucified for the 33rd time, this year. Credit: Getty

"But I have to consider our village officials. They told me that they still cannot find somebody who can replace me for the role of 'Kristo'.

"Hopefully we can find my replacement soon because as much as I want to do this, I cannot promise until when my body can take the physical pain."

Devotees take part in the procession in 2017. Credit: PA

Nine people took part n the extreme act of religious penitence, while dozens of others whipped themselves and carried the large crosses.

Some of the men, who had their faces covered and hands tied to the cross, walked for hours in the baking heat along a main road, around 50 miles from the capital city of Manila.

Other who take part, used bamboo flails to slash their backs.

Job Christian Ong, 16, carried on the family tradition, taking over from his brother, and said he felt 'cleansed'.

He said: "It is difficult yet rewarding."

Billionaire ASOS Tycoon Loses 3 Of His 4 Children In Sri Lanka Terror Attacks

April 22, 2019

Billionaire ASOS Tycoon Loses 3 Of His 4 Children In Sri Lanka Terror Attacks

Scooper Radar

Anders Holch Povlsen, 46, Denmark's richest man and the billionaire owner of ASOS has lost three of his four children in the Sri Lanka terror attacks on Easter Sunday.  

Povlsen is the second largest private landowner in the UK and is the biggest shareholder in the online retailer. Just days before the devastating attacks, one of Povlsen's children, Alma, shared a holiday snap of her siblings Astrid, Agnes and Alfred, next to a pool in Sri Lanka.

Six nearly simultaneous explosions at three churches and three hotels took place at Colombo, Negombo and Batticaloa on Easter Sunday.

Other blasts were reported at St Sebastian's Church in Negombo, a majority Catholic town north of Colombo, and at Zion Church in the eastern town of Batticaloa.

A spokesperson for the 46-year-old father-of-four Anders Holch Povlsen, confirmed that three of the businessman's children were among the dead.

Mr Povlsen owns the Bestseller clothing chain which he inherited from his father when he was 28, and is the biggest stakeholder in

Denmark's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Monday that three Danes were killed in the bombings.

Police will examine reports that the intelligence community failed to detect or warn of possible suicide attacks as part of their investigation.

Five Britons, including two people holding joint US and British nationalities, are among the 290 people dead.

Among the Britons feared dead are Anita Nicholson, 42, and her 11-year-old son Alex.

There are also US, Turkish, Indian, Portuguese, Dutch and Chinese victims among the 27 foreign nationals killed.

More than 500 people have been injured.

Thirteen suspects have been arrested, according to officials. No-one has taken responsibility for the massacre.

By Agnes

Sunday 21 April 2019

Popular Nigerian Pastor Discovers His Children Are Not His, After DNA Tests

April 21, 2019

Popular Nigerian Pastor Discovers His Children Are Not His, After DNA Tests

Apr 21, 2019 5:00 AM

A Pastor is considering divorcing his wife upon discovering that ‘his children’ don’t belong to him, after DNA tests were being conducted on them.

In his narration, the man revealed that he had an accident years ago before meeting his wife and he was told it would only take a miracle for him to father a child.

Pastor discovers his children are not his, after DNA tests

Surprisingly, years into their marriage, his wife gave birth to their 1st child and then the 2nd and then the 3rd. But after DNA tests were done on the three children, it was revealed that they belong to another man, though his wife is not aware of this.

Read his story:

I have been married for 14years, we have 3kids (all boys) but none of them belongs to me. I know this for a fact but my wife does not know I know. Let me explain.

5years before I met my wife, I was involved in a car accident together with two of my friends. We were traveling and our car skidded off the road. I was the only survivor of that accident.

l spent about 11months at the hospital and that left me with a condition that says I can’t have children.

i gave my life to Jesus Christ and become a committed Christian after the accident.

In summary, I became a pastor in a local church in my community 5years later, I met my wife in the process. I didn’t tell her about my condition because I was hopeful that God will heal me. 6years of our marriage my got pregnant and had our first child.

To be sure, I secretly went for a DNA and it was clear I wasn’t the father. I repeated the test for all 3children and they are all not mine. I have been living with this situation for the past 8years and I am beginning to get irritated by both the children and my wife.

My Wife pretends to be a good wife. She goes around preaching to women in the church about the need to remain faithful to their partners but she has had 3children by another man or men l don’t know. I want to confront her, but l am confused as how to go about the situation

l am just angry and irritated by everyone in my house lately. I feel like a total stranger in my own home.

what should I do?

A big question that needs a humble and sincere answer.

Monday 15 April 2019

UTME/JAMB releases 2019 results.

April 15, 2019

The joint admission and matriculation board says you should chill as your results are been processed.

Results are yet to be released 😂 😂 😜 😜

But to be factual,  what's the essence of the whole CBT saga if they can not deem it fit to release results even immediately after examination taken. I am so sorry for the way this country is handling the situation of it's education sector, the funniest part is after scaling through the nightmares of jamb,  you will still pay to write post utme,  so what's the real objectives of Jamb if we still have to Re write it again in the perspective universities of our choice.

All is just a bloody scam.

God bless Nigeria,
God bless the The President Muhammad Buhari.
God bless me Anthony Adesanya

Sunday 14 April 2019

Breaking: WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook down worldwide

April 14, 2019

Breaking: WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook down worldwide

Apr 14, 2019 1:44 PM

Facebook, Instagram down in many parts of the world

Many Users around the world can no longer access WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram, the second time that the popular social media platforms would suffer an outage in one month.

In Nigeria, the Facebook glitch happened after noon, with efforts to open the page unsuccessful. It was the same experience with Instagram.

WhatsApp also has connection issues at 13.26 Nigerian time. The platform could open, but messages were not streaming in as usual.

Facebook Inc, which owns all the three platforms, has yet to comment on the issue.

Instagram also down

Down Detector, a website that tracks when online services suffering from outages, reported that Facebook began having issues at approximately 6:36 a.m(EDT).


Facebook is having issues since 6:36 AM EDT.  RT if it's down for you as well #Facebookdown


11:36 AM - Apr 14, 2019

Twitter Ads info and privacy

106 people are talking about this

Instagram was reported having issues at nearly the same time. Text messaging service WhatsApp was also reportedly having issues. WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook are all owned and operated by Facebook.

Facebook, which has over 2 billion users, recently suffered its longest outage ever on March 13, when some users around the world were unable to access the companies platforms for about 24 hours.

Pope kisses feet of rival South Sudan leaders, a picture and a video

April 14, 2019
TRENDING: Pope kisses feet of rival South Sudan leaders
Apr 12, 2019 11:39 AM
Pope Francis has kissed the feet of the South Sudan’s previous warring leaders, imploring them to maintain the “fragile” peace that exists between them.
On Thursday, during a two-day spiritual retreat at the Vatican, the pope pleaded with President Salva Kiir and Riek Machar, his former deputy turned rebel leader, and three other vice presidents to honour the armistice they signed and commit to forming a unity government in May.
“I am asking you as a brother to stay in peace. I am asking you with my heart, let us go forward. There will be many problems but they will not overcome us. Resolve your problems,” the pope said after he performed the rare gesture.
The pontiff who spoke in Italian — which was translated by an aide into English — added that “but in front of the people, hold hands united. So, as simple citizens, you will become fathers of the nation.”
The leaders were apparently shocked to see the 82-year-old pontiff — who was helped by aides — got on his knees with difficulty to kiss the shoes of the two main opposing leaders and several other people in the room.
Kiir and Machar had clashed in 2013, leading to a civil war that left roughly 400,000 people in South Sudan dead. The duo however signed a peace agreement in 2018 that brought the war to an end.
The pontiff’s dramatic and unprecedented gesture is coming barely hours after the military in neighboring Sudan ousted President Omar al-Bashir, its longtime leader, after 30 years of authoritarian rule.

Sunday 7 April 2019

5 Nigerian Habits You Need To Stop Before It Kills You

April 07, 2019

5 Nigerian Habits You Need To Stop Before It Kills You



Without much ado.... Here we go.


We know electricity isn’t friendly in Nigeria, so man has to find a means to generate his own. 

At this age, almost every Nigerian owns a generator, from the industrial size to the ‘I better pass my neighbor’ size. 

Most of these generators are placed near the house, thereby diluting the surrounding air with high levels of Carbon dioxide and Carbon monoxide. 

Quick reminder, humans inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, then nature through photosynthesis takes place and carbon dioxide is converted to oxygen and the cycle goes on and on.

The body NEEDS oxygen to survive BUT Carbon dioxide is harmful to it. The increase in the rate of generator ownership is alarming, soon our air will be completely contaminated with the harmful carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide and we don’t even have enough trees to convert it to oxygen. What are we going to breathe in?


 Who doesn’t know of the dreadful Nigerian mosquitoes, of course we do! 

Everyone hates them, from their annoying buzzing in the ears to the way they suck on our blood like they are drinking chilled zobo, who won't want to kill them? 

Besides no one wants to have malaria, those tiny creatures can give someone an illness that requires giant treatments. So we have to kill them! 

But brother, sister, it is mosquitoes we plan on killing and not ourselves! Why would you fumigate and still stay indoor? No matter how odorless the insecticide is, you should not stay indoors with it. It kills a living organism why do you think it can’t kill you? It kills mosquitoes faster because of their size but the content of the insecticide is still harmful to you, and it’s only a matter of time. 

Little drops of water makes a mighty ocean, little inhaling of insecticide finally kills a man! Ever heard of families who died when they slept? They probably choked on insecticide.


Superman, wonder woman, Avengers! Nothing can happen right? You are very strong and mighty, weldone oh! Mrs. “Oh I don’t want to wear helmet that someone else has worn” BUY YOUR OWN, brother “the helmet smells” BUY YOUR OWN, Pastor “What if the helmet is charmed?” BUY YOUR OWN! 

Accidents don’t give warning or ask permission! No-one can predict what the road holds, take safety measures people!


I don’t even know where to start with this?

 Like who cursed you? Snap chat, Instastory whatever it is can wait till the food is ready and you are out of the kitchen away from the gas.

 But no, you want to give them as it is hot. 

Sister if you want to do a cooking show go and get a Production Company. 

Your life is too important to be used as a WhatsApp broadcast message of how a lady got killed in a gas explosion because she was Snap chatting while cooking. Your social media fans will not follow you to the afterlife oh!


Oshey! Aquaman, Water bender, Yemoja somebody! 

DO YOU KNOW WHERE THAT WATER HAS BEEN? Or WHAT HAS BEEN IN THE WATER? No you don’t, but because its tap water you want to copy oyinbo and drink directly. 

Let me tell you something AIDS isn’t the only thing that’s real, typhoid, hepatitis are also real! 

Most of the water pipes in Nigeria, Lagos precisely, pass through the drainage and I’m sure one or two of you must have spotted a leakage somewhere. 

Now as water is bursting out, some sneaky bacteria and microorganisms are bursting in. Do you need me to remind you the content of our Nigerian drainage? Oh you know, yet you’ll take you cup and fill it directly from the tap and into your mouth it goes! May the Lord forgive you for defiling your body in such a way! 

But even if He does, Typhoid and Hepatitis aren’t so forgiving, they might not be HIV but they also kill if not properly taken care of.

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By Etim / Honey

Tuesday 2 April 2019

Outrage As University Student Dies In Accident After He Was Sent Out Of Exam Hall To Get A Haircut

April 02, 2019

Outrage As University Student Dies In Accident After He Was Sent Out Of Exam Hall To Get A Haircut

Apr 2, 2019 12:06 PM

A 400-level student of Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu University, COOU, has died in an accident after he was sent out of an exam Hall to go have a haircut.

The student, Ezeh Goodluck was prevented from sitting for his exam when he arrived his faculty on Monday, April 1.

Before going for the exam, his whatsapp status expressed hope that the exam will favour him.

However, he was denied entry into the exam hall because his haircut didn’t meet faculty standard and was also told to produce his ID card.

On his way to get a haircut, the bike he took had an accident which killed the rider while he was flung into a ditch where he was unconscious.

The COOU student died at the Chukwuemka Odumegwu Ojukwu Teaching Hospital, formerly Anambra State University Teaching Hospital.

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