New Music + Video: Farabale - Brainjo @iam_brainjo

BRAINJO – FARABALE | @iam_ brainjo Jonathan Anaeto Chukwudebe "Brainjo" formerly known as Black J, is an Afro Pop, Highlife and Reggae Dancehall Artiste, he was born and raised in Shendam near Jos Plateau State 28 years ago. The Ihiala Anambra state born fast rising Artiste lost his parents 23 years ago at a very young age. As an ambitious lad, on December 2003, Brainjo move down to Lagos State in pursue of greener pasture, he has been on the street of Lagos for over fourteen years, doing all manner of jobs just to raise money to record his songs. He recorded his first music single "African beauty in 2005 with the late Ojb Jezreel of blessed memories. In 2009 he tried again by recording three singles, “Pitty drivers”, “Party with me” and “Mummy why” produced by J-Martins. Brainjo appeared on major newspapers and magazines with interviews and reviews as (Black J ) in 2007/2009 respectively. In 2011 he recorded a song "Want to do" which was produced by Meca E. To crown it all, Brainjo tagged the year 2017 as "My Year of Breaking Barriers". Brainjo never give up on his dreams, he made a come-back with a new music single titled “Farabale” which was produced by DTunes. You can follow Brainjo on Twitter and Instagram @iam_ brainjo. To view the new

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Sunday 21 April 2019

Popular Nigerian Pastor Discovers His Children Are Not His, After DNA Tests

Popular Nigerian Pastor Discovers His Children Are Not His, After DNA Tests

Apr 21, 2019 5:00 AM

A Pastor is considering divorcing his wife upon discovering that ‘his children’ don’t belong to him, after DNA tests were being conducted on them.

In his narration, the man revealed that he had an accident years ago before meeting his wife and he was told it would only take a miracle for him to father a child.

Pastor discovers his children are not his, after DNA tests

Surprisingly, years into their marriage, his wife gave birth to their 1st child and then the 2nd and then the 3rd. But after DNA tests were done on the three children, it was revealed that they belong to another man, though his wife is not aware of this.

Read his story:

I have been married for 14years, we have 3kids (all boys) but none of them belongs to me. I know this for a fact but my wife does not know I know. Let me explain.

5years before I met my wife, I was involved in a car accident together with two of my friends. We were traveling and our car skidded off the road. I was the only survivor of that accident.

l spent about 11months at the hospital and that left me with a condition that says I can’t have children.

i gave my life to Jesus Christ and become a committed Christian after the accident.

In summary, I became a pastor in a local church in my community 5years later, I met my wife in the process. I didn’t tell her about my condition because I was hopeful that God will heal me. 6years of our marriage my got pregnant and had our first child.

To be sure, I secretly went for a DNA and it was clear I wasn’t the father. I repeated the test for all 3children and they are all not mine. I have been living with this situation for the past 8years and I am beginning to get irritated by both the children and my wife.

My Wife pretends to be a good wife. She goes around preaching to women in the church about the need to remain faithful to their partners but she has had 3children by another man or men l don’t know. I want to confront her, but l am confused as how to go about the situation

l am just angry and irritated by everyone in my house lately. I feel like a total stranger in my own home.

what should I do?

A big question that needs a humble and sincere answer.

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