New Music + Video: Farabale - Brainjo @iam_brainjo

BRAINJO – FARABALE | @iam_ brainjo Jonathan Anaeto Chukwudebe "Brainjo" formerly known as Black J, is an Afro Pop, Highlife and Reggae Dancehall Artiste, he was born and raised in Shendam near Jos Plateau State 28 years ago. The Ihiala Anambra state born fast rising Artiste lost his parents 23 years ago at a very young age. As an ambitious lad, on December 2003, Brainjo move down to Lagos State in pursue of greener pasture, he has been on the street of Lagos for over fourteen years, doing all manner of jobs just to raise money to record his songs. He recorded his first music single "African beauty in 2005 with the late Ojb Jezreel of blessed memories. In 2009 he tried again by recording three singles, “Pitty drivers”, “Party with me” and “Mummy why” produced by J-Martins. Brainjo appeared on major newspapers and magazines with interviews and reviews as (Black J ) in 2007/2009 respectively. In 2011 he recorded a song "Want to do" which was produced by Meca E. To crown it all, Brainjo tagged the year 2017 as "My Year of Breaking Barriers". Brainjo never give up on his dreams, he made a come-back with a new music single titled “Farabale” which was produced by DTunes. You can follow Brainjo on Twitter and Instagram @iam_ brainjo. To view the new

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Friday 15 December 2017

"Players perform when contracts are expiring" - Wenger

 Arsene Wenger has noted that Alexis Sanchez and Mesut Ozil’s contract situations are not necessarily a negative thing for the club.

Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger believes that footballers are more likely to perform at their very best when their futures are undecided.

Alexis Sanchez and Mesut Ozil - Getty

Currently at the Emirates Stadium, Sanchez and Ozil have entered their final six months of their deals leaving the club in danger of losing them both.

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The Gunners are in danger of losing their two stars players before the end of the season, with both Sanchez and Ozil entering the final six months of their deals at the Emirates Stadium.

Wenger who feels that players perform when contracts are expiring said;
"When you pick a team you do not necessarily look how long a contract is,"

"The shorter the contract is, the more hungry the players are usually. The hunger index drops with the length of the contract."

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