Finally, she has broken the silence ever since the news emerged – it’s been alleged that she is having an affair with a billionaire businessman, also alleged to be Festus Fadeyi, the Managing Director and Chairman at Pan Ocean Oil Corporation (Nigeria) Ltd.
The whole drama started when SDK, broke the gist with all the juicy details of the alleged relationship between the duo using initials of their names, TM and FF. (Toke Makinwa and Festus Fadeyi)
SDK, without mincing words, gave all the hints about the oil tycoon’s company, adding that he is the mind behind TM’s luxurious lifestyle.
“No wonder the Guccis, Louboutins, Bottegas, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Hermes et al, are all just mere names now on the list for the impressionable young lass, who counts Selfridges and Harrods as a must visit now, whenever she drops in London via her business class or first class flights,” she wrote.
After the controversial news, it wasn’t long before people ‘deciphered’ the named persons, and they quickly hopped on the media personality’s Instagram to drag her for filth, with some alleging that the children of the oil tycoon are trolling the OAP.
One that went viral is this,
“Posted about TM last night, but it wasn’t my fault it went public. TM Has been cautioned by the 70 year old man’s kids but she has always played dumb. Even her friends (Ex-friends) were sent to speak to her but she never cared.
FF is older than TM with 38 years. FF is married with 5 grown up boys some even older than TM. TM is 32 years older. FF’s wife is so beautiful and had been with him during the struggle.
You cannot harvest where you did no sow. TM needs to be advised because it is not everyone you play or joke with. The same way I won’t stand any woman try to replace my mother. Karma is a B***ch. Don’t play with people because they might not wait for karma instead make you run MAD forever. Things happy spiritually. You are the one looking for trouble. Stop deceiving your followers with all the bible posts on Sunday you make and forming church girl. You lied against Maje just to sell your book.
Maybe when you end up running mad you will write a book on FF. Btw don’t TM envy her friends with happy home which involves happy kids and a man to Kiss and pray for every morning and night? We are all sinners but Don’t step on a stone that will change your destiny..
However, seeing that the trolling won’t end that easily, Makinwa shared this succinct note on her Instagram, affirming that she will not be shaken.