Your tooth color is susceptible to change owing to several factors. First, there are many foods that stain your teeth, and the most common include coffee, tea, red wine, colored sodas, colored sweets, fruit juices, beets, and curry. Second, habits like smoking or chewing tobacco can also stain your teeth. And, last, but not least, your genetics.
One way to whiten your teeth is have a dental procedure, which can be both costly and time-consuming. Another way is to address this issue at home using only one ingredient.
This Ayurvedic natural remedy uses coconut oil to clean and detoxify teeth and gums. This method provides a great 0ral detoxification. What oil pulling does is remove the toxins out of your mouth, thus creating a clean, antiseptic 0ral environment, which enables proper flow of saliva and other 0ral fluids essential for preventing cavities and disease. Aside from improving your gum health and removing harmful bacteria, it is also extremely efficient in  whitening your teeth naturally.
In fact, this natural tooth-whitening method has been used for centuries to:
  • whiten teeth
  • cure tooth decay
  • prevent bad breath
  • heal bleeding gums
  • soothe throat dryness
  • heal cracked lips
  • strengthen gums and jaw
In order to get the best antiseptic and anti-fungal effects, use unrefined, organic coconut oil in the following way:
  1. Put 2 teaspoons of coconut oil into your mouth. This is best done first thing in the morning.
  2. Swish the oil in your mouth for 20 minutes. In the interest of time, do this while having a shower, putting your clothes on or preparing for the day. If you are out of time, 5-10 minutes will also do.
  3. Spit the oil and wash your mouth with warm water. Using salt water will provide more antimicrobial properties.
  4. In the end, brush your teeth as usual.