Indonesia’s execution of a Nigerian man last year has been condemned by the nation’s ombudsman (an official appointed to investigate individuals’ complaints against public authorities).
The Indonesian Ombudsman has accused the Attorney-General’s office of maladministration, saying Humphrey Jefferson Ejike Eleweke, who was among four men executed by firing squad in July last year, had a clemency appeal still underway.
The ombudsman has found for that reason clemency laws were violated.
After months of investigation, it also found his death also went against Indonesia’s execution laws because the Nigerian national had not been granted the required 72 hours notice before his death.
He was told 56 hours before facing the firing squad, according to his lawyer.
Fourteen people had been scheduled for execution on the same evening on July 29, 2016, but only four ended up being killed, including three Nigerians and one Indonesian drug trafficker, Freddy Budiman.
The Indonesian Government never revealed why the other 10 were granted a last minute reprieve.
There were claims at the time that a number of prisoners had received unfair trials and some had allegedly been tortured to confess.
The Pakistani Government had pleaded for presidential clemency for its citizen Zulfiqar Ali after questions were raised over whether he received a fair trial.
His family was told he would be killed on the morning of July 28, but he was later spared.