New Music + Video: Farabale - Brainjo @iam_brainjo

BRAINJO – FARABALE | @iam_ brainjo Jonathan Anaeto Chukwudebe "Brainjo" formerly known as Black J, is an Afro Pop, Highlife and Reggae Dancehall Artiste, he was born and raised in Shendam near Jos Plateau State 28 years ago. The Ihiala Anambra state born fast rising Artiste lost his parents 23 years ago at a very young age. As an ambitious lad, on December 2003, Brainjo move down to Lagos State in pursue of greener pasture, he has been on the street of Lagos for over fourteen years, doing all manner of jobs just to raise money to record his songs. He recorded his first music single "African beauty in 2005 with the late Ojb Jezreel of blessed memories. In 2009 he tried again by recording three singles, “Pitty drivers”, “Party with me” and “Mummy why” produced by J-Martins. Brainjo appeared on major newspapers and magazines with interviews and reviews as (Black J ) in 2007/2009 respectively. In 2011 he recorded a song "Want to do" which was produced by Meca E. To crown it all, Brainjo tagged the year 2017 as "My Year of Breaking Barriers". Brainjo never give up on his dreams, he made a come-back with a new music single titled “Farabale” which was produced by DTunes. You can follow Brainjo on Twitter and Instagram @iam_ brainjo. To view the new

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Friday 17 July 2020

The story of Yyvone Maha

July 17, 2020
Now I know my Naija 80s babies gonna feel this one...
I think it was sometime in late 1985 that I first heard that Yvonne Maha was dead.

Two years earlier, she had been the sensational talent find of 1983. Her Sonny Okosuns-produced debut Child For Sale had been a smashing success--the toast of the primary school hit parade, the soundtrack to many a preteen birthday party and family roadtrip. She had blown into our lives like a whirlwind of adorableness and goshdarn it, the public was sucked in. Now two years had passed since anybody had seen or heard anything from her. Two years can feel like a mighty long time when you've been alive for just over a decade yourself, and people started to wonder and speculate as to why she hadn't come out with another album.

And then the news of her fate hit the national gossip network: Yvonne had gotten pregnant. Tried to have an abortion. Something went wrong. She died.

Now this puzzled the hell out of me at the time. "She was having an abortion? How old was she, thirteen?"

"Yes," my aunt replied sternly. "That's why she died. She was too young and her body could not withstand the pregnancy. And the moral of the story is: Don't have sex before marriage! You hear?"

Well, however well-meaning the moral may have been, the story itself was soon discredited as pure fabu(lism): Some people knew which secondary school Yvonne Maha went to and confirmed that she had never been pregnant and was certainly not dead. Everybody breathed a sigh of relief and went back to waiting for her follow-up to Child For Sale.

About two years later, the rumor mill once again reported again that Yvonne Maha had died.

"I thought they said she died two years ago!" I groaned.

"That was just a rumor," my aunt clucked. "She didn't die back then, but she's dead now. This time it's true."

"How did she die?"

"Complications from abortion."


"And that is why you should not have sex before marriage!"

After that, the "Yvonne Maha is dead" story would resurface anew every few years. And with each new iteration, its peddlers would firmly assure you that yes, this time she really was dead and that yes, she died during an abortion. As recently as 2005 I heard people telling that story.

Well, for the record: In 2007 Yvonne Maha is alive and well and living in Brazil. But the persistent reports of her demise do kind of beg an interesting question: Why did the public seem to so desperately want--almost need--Yvonne Maha dead? And from an abortion, of all things? And why is it that as years have gone by and Yvonne Maha has receded somewhat in the public's memory, the "death by abortion" story has been passed on to early-90s preteen singer Tosin Jegede? (For the record: Tosin Jegede is not dead, she's a sculptor.)

Could it be that these little girl singers represent purity and innocence, and so the thought of them growing up into womanhood and inevitably engaging in womanly activities such as sexual intercourse is so unacceptable that we must create these myths where their sexual precocity leads to their destruction?

> shrug < Shit, I dunno.

Anyway, if you were a kid in Nigeria in the 80s, you almost certainly know this album inside out. Listening to it now, I'm surprised at how well it holds up for me--I mean, even if twee cutesy-kiddie stuff like this makes your molars hurt, you can't completely front on the music itself, can you? This was the period when Sonny Okosuns could do no wrong and his Ozziddi band was on the way to becoming the Ozziddi brand. The tasteful instrumental performances and production on this album are very much on par with great Okosuns albums such as Fire in Soweto and 3rd World. I remember really loving the backing vox on this record, and they still sound pretty good to me, too.

The song "Don't Treat Me Like a Child" still makes me slightly uncomfortable, too. I used to love this song back in '83, when I first realized that I loved ballads, but even then I thought it was a bit on the creepy side. It was so obviously a ventriloquist number with a grownup putting these supposedly cute/coy words into a little girl's mouth, but what made it particularly discomfiting was the video: Yvonne and some boy sitting on a bench at Apapa Amusement Park, dressed in their best birthday party duds as she serenades him. Both of them look ungodly embarrassed by the whole affair, especially the end where she reluctantly slides over (you can actually see her blushing as she looks off camera at someone who is obviously goading her forward) and hugs him, singing "Wait for me to grow up... Then I will kiss you, too... Then I will kiss you... Wait for me to grow up, then I will love you... too."

And the worst thing about it was that rumor had it the boy was her brothers

Tuesday 14 July 2020

Man Who Dressed Like A Lady ToExtort Money From Guys, Caught & Stripped Naked.

July 14, 2020
Man Who Dressed Like A Lady To
Extort Money From Guys, Caught &
Stripped Naked.

We caught this one today, beautiful Mr. Arinze Aleke who dressed like a woman.

He successfully damaged our three plates of
pepper soup and two bottles of Heineken,
immediately we demanded for her particulars, she turned out to be another Bobrisky.

I maintain that several boobs are risky.

He will pay for the pepper soup and Heineken because he obtained them from us by false pretence.

The point now is what the mob did, are they justified, why can't it be taken to the law enforcement body to do justice.

Source is Nairaland

Wednesday 8 July 2020

World In Tears As Conjoined Twins Dies at 68years (Photos)

July 08, 2020
World In Tears As Conjoined Twins Dies at 68years (Photos)

Ronnie and Donnie Gaylon are the twin brother who are Conjoined. I regret to announce there death. See Photos of the Twins in this post.
The brothers died on Saturday at the age of 68.

Dayton Daily reported that Dave Galyon, a brother, announced in a Facebook post Saturday morning that his brothers had died that morning, and the Montgomery County Coroner’s Office confirmed the deaths were reported to that office.

The Dayton community followed the brothers’ lives since their birth.Donnie came first on Oct. 28, 1951, with Ronnie surprising everyone minutes later with his very literal connection to his brother, wrote the Dayton Daily News in 2009 after an interview with the twins. “We had a good doctor,” Ronnie said in 2009 .
“We’re lucky.”

They were born at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Dayton. At the time, separation would have been difficult if not impossible, and their parents made the decision to let nature take its course.The Galyons had four arms and four legs, separate hearts, lungs and stomachs. Their vital organs joined in the digestive tracts, with one lower intestine.

They never for one day speak against their maker, if you are alive today irrespective of any circumstances while not use just few seconds to say God I Thank You.

Friday 3 July 2020

Researchers Deliver News to the Whole World After Latest Study on COVID-19

July 03, 2020
Researchers Deliver News to the Whole World After Latest Study on COVID-19

A study that has been performed by researchers from China, has found that humans can be protected from being reinfected by novel Covid-19. According to the reports by Daily Nation, the study that was performed basing on monkeys found that they can be protected from the virus for over 28 days later without being infected again.

However, while the monkeys displayed the ability of being not reinfected for 28 days, it is still unclear whether in humans would be more or less. But the team has said that the world should have to wait to up even months and years to see whether how long people who have been infected can be protected from re-infection.

Researchers from Peking Union Medical College carried out a study on rhesus macaques to find out if they have a short-term immunity to the disease. They infected 6 of them with a dose of SARS-CoV-2 virus and they seemed to develop mild symptoms after 3 days after which they took approximately 2 weeks to recover. After 28-days period from the time of infection, they re-infected 4 of the rhesus macaques with another dose of the virus.

After some few days, they showed a short increase in body temperature but were never re-infected by the virus. According to the researchers, the viral load took around 3 days before reaching its peak after infection.

Later, the monkeys showed a strong immune response after infection which in return produces neutralizing antibodies that prevents them from becoming reinfected. However, the researchers have claimed that they need to experiment more to see how long the immunity takes before reducing.

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Source [DailyNation]

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