New Music + Video: Farabale - Brainjo @iam_brainjo

BRAINJO – FARABALE | @iam_ brainjo Jonathan Anaeto Chukwudebe "Brainjo" formerly known as Black J, is an Afro Pop, Highlife and Reggae Dancehall Artiste, he was born and raised in Shendam near Jos Plateau State 28 years ago. The Ihiala Anambra state born fast rising Artiste lost his parents 23 years ago at a very young age. As an ambitious lad, on December 2003, Brainjo move down to Lagos State in pursue of greener pasture, he has been on the street of Lagos for over fourteen years, doing all manner of jobs just to raise money to record his songs. He recorded his first music single "African beauty in 2005 with the late Ojb Jezreel of blessed memories. In 2009 he tried again by recording three singles, “Pitty drivers”, “Party with me” and “Mummy why” produced by J-Martins. Brainjo appeared on major newspapers and magazines with interviews and reviews as (Black J ) in 2007/2009 respectively. In 2011 he recorded a song "Want to do" which was produced by Meca E. To crown it all, Brainjo tagged the year 2017 as "My Year of Breaking Barriers". Brainjo never give up on his dreams, he made a come-back with a new music single titled “Farabale” which was produced by DTunes. You can follow Brainjo on Twitter and Instagram @iam_ brainjo. To view the new

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Monday 19 November 2018

Why Men Pull Away: Top 3 Reasons

November 19, 2018

Why Men Pull Away: Top 3 Reasons

Almost every woman has experienced the panic and uncertainty that occur when her man starts pulling away or withdrawing. Maybe it happens out of the blue, maybe something sparks it, either way, it’s a miserable feeling, one that leaves you feeling powerless and painfully insecure.

1. He’s Stressed

It’s pretty widely known that when a man is stressed, he retreats to his “man cave.” However, there is a big difference between knowing something and really understanding it. Most women have a hard time accepting that this is how men deal with issues because when we are having a difficult time, our first instinct is to talk about it and seek comfort from friends or loved ones.

Men don’t operate this way. When a man is having a hard time, he needs to pull back and work through his issues on his own. The biggest mistake you can make is not giving him the space to do this.

2. You’re Being Needy and He Feels Suffocated

A man doesn’t have to be dealing with personal issues to feel the need to retreat. Sometimes too much neediness from you is enough to cause him to back away. Neediness isn’t so much a set of behaviors as it is a state of mind. If a man feels like you need him in order to feel OK in your life, or that you need him to fill some sort of emotional void for you, he will instinctively pull back.

Men want to feel wanted and desired, not needed. This is a very important distinction that most women overlook.

3. He’s Having Doubts About the Relationship

Doubts are normal, especially as a relationship deepens. It doesn’t necessarily mean anything about you or how great of a girlfriend you’ve been. Maybe he’s not ready for something so serious, or maybe he’s a little unsure if you’re really the woman he sees himself spending the rest of his life with. And that’s OK. Two people can love each other very much and still not be right for each other in the long run. Maybe something happened to spark these doubts (a fight, jealousy, lack of trust, etc.) or maybe it happened out of the blue. Don’t waste your time analyzing the situation to pinpoint exactly what you did wrong, this will only make you crazy.

Saturday 17 November 2018

France to Peg Age of Sexual Consent at 15

November 17, 2018

France to Peg Age of Sexual Consent at 15

Global News | Nov. 17, 2018

France has decided to set its legal age of sexual consent at 15.

This means that under the law, sex between an adult and anyone younger than 15 will be considered rape.

BBC reports that the country previously did not have a legal age of consent, and sex with people under 15 currently have to be proven as forced and coerced to be considered as rape.

Offenders may only be charged with sexual abuse with minors under the current legislation, which carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison and a fine of €75,000, same as sexual assault of non-minors.

Isn't this ridiculous.

Friday 16 November 2018

How To Know When It’s Time To End Your Relationship

November 16, 2018

How To Know When It’s Time To End Your Relationship

NOVEMBER 9, 2018


Not all relationships end because one partner does something to hurt the other. Sometimes, your life as a couple may just run its course. However, the fact that you cannot pinpoint a reason to end things makes it more likely that you’ll stay in an unhappy relationship.

These signs that a relationship is over are quite subtle. But they are just as valid as any other major reason to end things. Here they are:

He’s incapable of loving you the way you want to be loved

He might truly love you, but are you really being loved how you want to be loved?  Every individual’s definition of love is different. For instance, you may need more attention than he’s capable of providing or you have certain expectations that he simply cannot meet. In cases like these, it’s best that you both end things so you can each find someone more compatible with your respective needs.

(Photo: BET)

A lack of tolerance

Nobody is perfect and your partner will definitely have quirks that may rub you off the wrong way. Usually, happy couples learn to tolerate each other and keep things going despite these tiny annoyances. However, what works for one person may not work for another. For example, if you’re a clean freak and your man is super messy, it may seem ridiculous to end things over that. But if you find that his habits are making you irritable and constantly uncomfortable, you may want to consider the fact that the relationship is over. Otherwise, resentment may fester and end up causing major problems down the line.

You stop caring

Yes, you can fall out of love with someone. It happens for a lot of reasons and while there’s a possibility of working things out, in many situations, it simply means the relationship is over. When you stop caring about your partner’s plans, goals, whether he’s had a bad day, and so on, it could mean you’ve emotionally checked out of that relationship. It’s only fair to do so physically as well.

(Photo: Tyler Perry Productions)

In some cases, these situations can turn around for the better with loads of therapy and communication. But when you get to this point, especially earlier on in the relationship, you may want to cut your losses and move on.

So, have you decided that your relationship is over? Here are a few tips that should help you when breaking up with your boyfriend.

Wednesday 14 November 2018

Why People Hate and Fear Maths

November 14, 2018

Why People Hate and Fear Maths

Edu Life | Nov. 08, 2018

9 out of 10 people believe that mathematics teachers are not great educators. They believe this is the first reason why many people are genuinely afraid of mathematics and fail to do well at it.

Many research are very interested in why people are afraid of mathematics but are yet to come to terms why or how math anxiety develops. Although research has shown that math anxiety and math abilities are related, no study so far has been able to tell us which comes first. In other words, we do not know if being bad at math causes math anxiety, or if having math anxiety makes people bad at maths.

In general terms, there is a notion that this ability stems from the fear of numbers. This is so common that some qualify it as a phobia—numerophobia or arithmophobia.

Here is a list of possible reasons people hate mathematics.

Abstract Quality

Maths does not have a shape and colour. It is not something that people can relate to plainly or visualize. Visualization comes from the everyday experience and relating mathematics with it requires a very good mathematics teacher.

Bad Teachers

Most people especially in Nigeria, do not enjoy teaching mathematics. Hardly will you meet someone who had genuinely wanted to study maths. The university often gives them the course as an alternative to what they originally wanted.

People’s Disposition to Maths

Many children hate maths because people around them hated maths. A strong dislike for mathematics can influence children and because they are impressionable affect them. Everything around them affects them. Be it dislike to mathematics shown by parents or teachers.

Teaching Methods

Most maths systems have not evolved. This makes teaching mathematics boring and monotonous. Students are unable to visualize the concept taught by the teacher. Therefore, their interest level goes down. Hence they start developing a disassociation with the subject. If this disassociation continues for a longer period of time child starts hating mathematics.

Mathematics Take Time

Many people hate maths because it takes time. Calculation and numbers.

Wednesday 7 November 2018

The man in Aso Rock is Jubril of Sudan not Buhari – Nnamdi Kanu Reveals ( SEE PHOTOS)

November 07, 2018

The man in Aso Rock is Jubril of Sudan not Buhari – Nnamdi Kanu Reveals ( SEE PHOTOS)

The Leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Mazi Nnamdi Kanu has alleged that  the person in Aso rock is  Mal. Jubril of Saudi Arabia not president Mohammadu Buhari.

Kanu said that the whole world knew that the real Buhari has long been dead and buried in Saudi Arabia but only Nigerians did not know.

The separatist also said that it is only a country populated by Sub-humans would fail to recognise that the man is Aso Rock is Jubril not Buhari.

The IPOB leader disclosed this in his twitter page.

He said “Only a country populated by sub-humans will fail to recognise that Jubril is not Buhari.

“Look at his hands, shrunk & shrivelled (late Buhari) now compare to hand on 2nd pic. of younger (Jubril) the fake Buhari in Aso Rock.

He added that “How can any right thinking person believe these two contrasting individuals is the same person. I weep for Africa.

Only a country populated by sub-humans will fail to recognise that Jubril is not Buhari. How come every government and intelligence agency in the world knows Buhari is dead but not Nigerians? The difference is clear!

EXPOSING THE IMPOSTOR! Look at his hands, shrunk & shrivelled (late Buhari) now compare to hand on 2nd pic. of younger (Jubril) the fake Buhari in Aso Rock. How can any right thinking person believe these two contrasting individuals is the same person. I weep for Africa.

Tuesday 6 November 2018

MINIMUM WAGE: Buhari Endorses N30,000 As New Minimum Wage

November 06, 2018

MINIMUM WAGE: Buhari Endorses N30,000 As New Minimum Wage

Nigeria’s President, Muhammadu Buhari has endorsed N30,000 as the new national minimum wage.

Buhari, who received the report of the Tripartite Committee on the Review of National Minimum Wage at the Presidential Villa, Abuja, confirmed N30,000 as new minimum wage.

Buhari has also promised to send a bill to the National Assembly to effect the change from N18,000 to N30,000.

By Agnes

Thursday 1 November 2018

Read What "Wicked" Lagos Lady Did After Offering Ride To Man

November 01, 2018

Read What "Wicked" Lagos Lady Did After Offering Ride To Man ⋆

A lady, Bimbo Olagunju has disclosed how she was forced to drop a man she offered a ride after he expressed discomfort being driven by a lady.

Taking to Twitter, Olagunju said the man was enroute Obalende from Yaba on Tuesday morning and she offered to give him a ride in her car.

“Just as we’re approaching Alagomeji, uncle asked me if he can drive. Said he’s not comfortable being driven by a woman.

“I parked and told him to come and take the wheel. Once he got down, I just zoomed off. Arrant nonsense,” she said.

See tweet:

Bimbo Olagunju@CallMeAbimbola

Offered a guy a ride from Yaba to Obalende this morning. Just as we're approaching Alagomeji, uncle asked me if he can drive. Said he's not comfortable being driven by a woman. I parked and told him to come and take the wheel. Once he got down, I just zoomed off. Arrant nonsense

9:14 AM - Oct 30, 2018


11.3K people are talking about this

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She added, “Funny thing is the guy is quite young. He can’t be more than 25. How can someone that young have this sort of mentality?

“I actually did not think that the guy could have wanted to get away with my car at the time. Now that I think of it though, that’s a big possibility. We need to be careful out there. These thieves now have different ways of operating.”

Many commentators also supported her action, saying the man could have hatched a plan to steal her car.

Read comments monitored by our reporter on Twitter:

Bimbo Olagunju@CallMeAbimbola

 · Oct 30, 2018

Offered a guy a ride from Yaba to Obalende this morning. Just as we're approaching Alagomeji, uncle asked me if he can drive. Said he's not comfortable being driven by a woman. I parked and told him to come and take the wheel. Once he got down, I just zoomed off. Arrant nonsense

Pheladi Lamola@motsebore_l

Wow. The nerve!! As a rule, I don't give anyone a ride,ever.

Bimbo Olagunju@CallMeAbimbola

 · Oct 30, 2018

Replying to @CallMeAbimbola

Funny thing is the guy is quite young. He can't be more than 25. How can someone that young have this sort of mentality?

your Favorite Lover and 100 Others@Temmieofktmedia

Chilled accolades for you he might zoom off in your car sef if you not careful thisisLagos

11:17 AM - Oct 30, 2018


Bimbo Olagunju@CallMeAbimbola

 · Oct 30, 2018

Offered a guy a ride from Yaba to Obalende this morning. Just as we're approaching Alagomeji, uncle asked me if he can drive. Said he's not comfortable being driven by a woman. I parked and told him to come and take the wheel. Once he got down, I just zoomed off. Arrant nonsense


The guy wanted to get away with your car, so kudos to you dear, we need to be vigilant in this Lagos.

11:24 AM - Oct 30, 2018

Bimbo Olagunju@CallMeAbimbola

 · Oct 30, 2018

Offered a guy a ride from Yaba to Obalende this morning. Just as we're approaching Alagomeji, uncle asked me if he can drive. Said he's not comfortable being driven by a woman. I parked and told him to come and take the wheel. Once he got down, I just zoomed off. Arrant nonsense


I would have dropped him at the middle of the road, where i'm sure he wouldn't see an empty bus. Silly man

WAWU! CEO Of NairaBet, Akin Alabi CRIES OUT... As Man Wins N24MILLION With N1,500!!!

November 01, 2018

WAWU! CEO Of NairaBet, Akin Alabi CRIES OUT... As Man Wins N24MILLION With N1,500!!!

Oct 31, 2018 1:35 PM

CEO of betting company, NairaBet took to his social media accounts to lament on how a particular person won N24M from betting just N1500.

Akin who is a member of the Akin Alabi is a member of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) and a candidate for the Egbeda/Ona Ara Fedral constituentcy in Oyo State for the 2019 general elections, says it is the opposition parties, PDP and ADC, doing.

He wrote;

Oloye Akin Alabi@akinalabi

So this guy won over N24m with N1,500 on @NairaBET. Some people have forgotten that I have an election to fund. Haba. This must be the work of PDP and ADC. The guy suppose donate to my campaign. For those that know how to check betslips, the number is 178549440.

7:29 PM - Oct 30, 2018


1,063 people are talking about this

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“So this guy won over N24m with N1,500 on @NairaBET. Some people have forgotten that I have an election to fund. Haba. This must be the work of PDP and ADC. The guy suppose donate to my campaign.For those that know how to check betslips, the number is 178549440.”

He continued,

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