New Music + Video: Farabale - Brainjo @iam_brainjo

BRAINJO – FARABALE | @iam_ brainjo Jonathan Anaeto Chukwudebe "Brainjo" formerly known as Black J, is an Afro Pop, Highlife and Reggae Dancehall Artiste, he was born and raised in Shendam near Jos Plateau State 28 years ago. The Ihiala Anambra state born fast rising Artiste lost his parents 23 years ago at a very young age. As an ambitious lad, on December 2003, Brainjo move down to Lagos State in pursue of greener pasture, he has been on the street of Lagos for over fourteen years, doing all manner of jobs just to raise money to record his songs. He recorded his first music single "African beauty in 2005 with the late Ojb Jezreel of blessed memories. In 2009 he tried again by recording three singles, “Pitty drivers”, “Party with me” and “Mummy why” produced by J-Martins. Brainjo appeared on major newspapers and magazines with interviews and reviews as (Black J ) in 2007/2009 respectively. In 2011 he recorded a song "Want to do" which was produced by Meca E. To crown it all, Brainjo tagged the year 2017 as "My Year of Breaking Barriers". Brainjo never give up on his dreams, he made a come-back with a new music single titled “Farabale” which was produced by DTunes. You can follow Brainjo on Twitter and Instagram @iam_ brainjo. To view the new

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                                              DOWNLOAD FARABALE BY BRAINJO


Tuesday 29 May 2018

How to Stop a Car with No Brakes

May 29, 2018

How to Stop a Car with No Brakes

Imagine you’re exiting the freeway on that killer ramp with the steep grade and the hairpin turn. You try the brakes and... nothing happens. Careening toward the guardrail at 75 mph (121 km/h), you brace yourself for a 400-foot dive into a shallow lake full of fire-breathing alligators. Okay, that scenario is a bit unlikely, but the fact is that brake failure is a terrifying — and dangerous — experience no matter where it occurs. To learn how to stop a car if the brakes fail, read the following instructions.


Don't panic! Overreacting to this situation will only make it more dangerous.

Take your foot off the gas and turn off cruise control (if on). Cruise control systems should turn off as soon as you touch the brake or clutch, but to be safe, make sure it's switched off.

Pay attention to how your brake pedal feels. If it’s soft and goes to the floor, you may have low fluid, a faulty master cylinder or problems with your drums or calipers. You may be able to rebuild some braking pressure by pumping the brakes.

If, however, your brake pedal is hard and does not move, something in your brake system may have seized or you may have an obstruction under the pedal. Try to feel with your foot (or have a passenger look) to see whether you have something under the brake pedal.

Pump your brakes. Pumping your brakes several times may rebuild enough pressure in the braking system for you to stop. This may take a while, so keep trying. You should do this even if your car is equipped with ABS, as the ABS is only activated when your car is braking too hard (which won't be the problem if your brakes have failed). Then, regardless of whether the car has ABS brakes or not, quickly squeeze the brakes down to the floor to make the most out of all of the pressure you have preserved or built-up, as hydraulic (or air) brakes rarely fail all together. Keep the brakes squeezed to the floor.

Shift into low gear. Shifting into lower gears helps slow you by using your engine to slow the car. If you have an automatic transmission, downshift a gear at a time into low range (generally labeled as “1” on the shifting mechanism). If you have a manual transmission, downshift a gear or two at a time, feel the car slow, and repeat as you work down through the gears. Unless you need to slow the car as soon as possible, be careful not to downshift too quickly; rapid downshifts into first or second gear can cause you to lose control.

If you have tap-to-shift, shift into manual "M" (generally to the right or left of "Drive" on console-shift vehicles or the bottom gear on column-shift vehicles) and press the minus button to shift down. Again, if you can’t go directly into the lowest range, try gradually shifting down.

If you have an additional means of slowing down the car, like a retarder, exhaust brake, or Jake brake, use it slowly.

Use the emergency brake. The emergency brake, or parking brake, can usually stop a vehicle, although it will take longer than usual to come to a stop because it only stops the rear wheels. Apply the brake (depending on your vehicle this is done either by pulling up on the handle or pushing down on the pedal) slowly and steadily; your emergency brake can lock your tire if applied too hard or too fast, especially at high speed. If you pull up the brake quickly, you may lose control of your vehicle. To prevent this, keep the release button engaged (if your car has one) as you apply the emergency brake. This allows you to modulate the pressure with which you are applying the brake.

If you feel or hear your tires lock, release a small bit of pressure from the brake application and hold it there. It should be stated that if the tires do squeal slightly, it does not necessarily mean that they are indeed locked-up. With a handlebar E-brake, one can initially apply it up to three clicks (to enable a controlled slow-down) and then apply an additional one or two extra clicks (to bring the car to a final halt).

Keep your eyes on the road and continue to steer. Pay attention to what’s in front of you, and maneuver to avoid heavy traffic, pedestrians, and dangerous obstacles.

Warn other drivers and pedestrians.Turn your hazard lights on, and honk your horn to make others aware that there is a problem. (Be sure to know the location of the hazard light button prior to such a situation.) While they may not be able to figure out what the problem is, a warning should cause most people to proceed with caution and pay attention to what your vehicle is doing. Open windows to allow air resistance to slow you down as well as enable you to shout to other passengers and drivers.

If you have room on either side of you, steer sharply from side-to-side. Turning creates friction, which slows your car naturally. If you do not have brakes, try turning sharply from left to right over and over to slow your car down. Do not do this at high speeds. Turning at high speeds may flip your car and turning too sharply at any speed can spin your car around, so be careful.

Use your surroundings to slow the vehicle. If the above measures fail to stop you, or if you must stop very quickly, do whatever you can to get under control. Ideally, you could use a runaway truck ramp, but as these are not particularly common, you’ll probably have to improvise. Keep in mind, however, that these techniques can be very dangerous – especially at high speeds – and should only be used as last resorts.

Use terrain to your advantage. Try to seek out inclines that you can go up. If this does not bring your car to a stop, be prepared to do some reverse driving and/or use the emergency brake at the appropriate time.

Use guardrails to slow your vehicle. Cement dividers are built pear-shaped so that contact is made with the wheels, not with the precious metal and paint of your automobile. Applying friction to the rubber on your wheels will slow the car considerably without harming other portions of your vehicle. You can also gently sideswipe whatever is available.

Use road friction to slow your vehicle. Driving through gravel or dirt (such as you might find right off the side of the road) can slow your vehicle considerably. Be very cautious when using this technique. Sudden terrain changes -- especially if only under the wheels on one side of the car -- can cause the car to flip, and may cause serious injury or death to yourself or others. Approach to a graveled or grassy shoulder must be made progressively, smoothly and gently. Afterward, the car must be stabilized as it is driving along the shoulder of the road.

Small trees and shrubbery will slow your vehicle when all else fails. Try to put your vehicle through the center of a line of shrubs or saplings, being careful not to pick a tree that is too heavy for your car to go through. Trees with trunks over 4 inches (116 mm) are considered dangerous to occupants of motor vehicles. Large trees can be fatal.

Hit the back of another car. While obviously not a first choice, it will slow your vehicle. If you’re going to do so, try to warn the driver in front of you by honking your horn. Try to strike a vehicle that is traveling at about the same speed as yours (hitting a slow-moving or parked car will stop you, but the deceleration will be quick and extreme) and attempt to make impact squarely on the back of the vehicle. Glancing blows will likely send both vehicles out of control. Be extremely careful not to hit too hard as your airbag may go off.

Look for a safe spot to pull over (or to crash). Scan the road ahead for a safe area to pull over once you’re able to come to a stop. If you’re not able to bring the vehicle to a complete stop, look for open spaces that you can coast across without hitting anything.

If all alternatives have failed, plan a crash stop. The safest method is to look for a bushy protrusions or shrubs and run it through the friction will significantly reduce car speed to a halt. if there are no bushes go for grass, especially tall grass run the car through the tall grass and it will come to a halt. finally if there is none the last way is go for sand, sand is so unstable will definitely halt your car, especially wet sand.

If the safest spot to "crash land" your vehicle requires you to jump a curb, extra caution must be taken. Even with power steering, the cars' initial reaction will be to rip the steering wheel from your hands, bounce from the curb and back into traffic. It is imperative that you grip the steering wheel in a firm manner and angle your car deep enough into the curb so that it will go up and over, yet shallow enough so that you don't turn the car completely and lose control in a spin.


You can avoid most instances of brake failure by regularly checking your brake fluid and changing it according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. You should also have your entire brake system inspected at regular intervals or if you notice any change in the performance of your brakes. Don’t put off making necessary repairs or performing routine maintenance.

That red "brake light" comes on for a lot of reasons, not just to tell you that your parking brake is engaged. Every time you start the car, see if it flashes to make sure it's working. If it comes on while you're driving, you've lost at least half of your braking system. If it comes on while you're applying the brakes, you have a problem – most likely low brake fluid or a faulty master cylinder.

Do not shift an automatic transmission into park when moving. The parking pawl that binds the transmission will not be able to support a moving car.

Brakes can become less effective if they get wet, especially after hydroplaning or going through deeper water. When going into such water, it's best to apply light acceleration or even downshift. Once exiting the water or recovering from a hydroplaning incident, press the brakes down moderately lightly, release, wait, and reapply (but do not pump). This will help you feel whether the pedal is spongy and soft, in which case a few more times reapplying the brakes in that manner should dry them.

If the engine won't slow down, reduce its ability to transfer power to the wheels. Point the car where it can coast to a stop as safely as possible. Shift into neutral (this may over-rev and damage the engine or transmission, but you have bigger problems).

Downshift when driving downhill . Avoid "riding the brakes" when going down a prolonged incline, as overuse of your brakes will cause them to overheat and fail. Instead, brake enough to slow the vehicle significantly, coast for a time, and repeat. If necessary, make another downshift.

If the brakes do heat up, use more engine braking and less foot-brake pressure to slow the car down, stop it gently with the emergency brake, and let off of the brakes all together. Do not try cooling the brakes with water, as you may warp the rotors.

Many "brake failure" cases are brought about by an object getting stuck under the brake pedal, such as a toy or a soda bottle. Avoid this situation by keeping your car clean and free of debris, especially the area around the driver’s seat. Cups and bottles used in the car should be of fragile, disposable material and not capped (loose cup covers are fine) when anywhere near the driver; this will help them to crush harmlessly if they get under a pedal somehow. Mitigate the increased risk of mess with drinks that are clear or light-colored, free of milk, and/or sweetened only with artificial sweeteners.


Sudden down-shifts may damage your transmission. This is especially true if you manage to shift in reverse. That said, you must do what is necessary to stop the vehicle.

Once you manage to stop the vehicle, do not attempt to drive it again until you are sure the problem is fixed.

Do not shut the engine off during a brake failure, as power steering systems are hydraulically driven, and regulated by engine vacuum, as is the brake booster. If you do panic and shut the engine off, hydraulic systems typically give you three more power-assisted pumps. Turn the key to the second position (accessories) so the steering wheel doesn't lock.

Sunday 27 May 2018

Real Madrid beat Liverpool to win Champions League

May 27, 2018

Real Madrid beat Liverpool to win Champions League

Real Madrid Vs Liverpool

Real Madrid proved once again that they are uniquely made for European final nights but it had a lot to do with early Christmas gifts from Liverpool goalkeeper, Loris Karius, who handed the defending champions two goals.

One goal from Karim Benzema and two from Gareth Bale confirmed Real Madrid as champions of Europe for the 13th time despite an equaliser from Sadio mane in the 55th minute.

After a frenetic start from Liverpool, in which they kept Real Madrid pinned in their own half, it took the shoulder injury to Mohamed Salah to give the Spaniards a foothold in the match. Before the Egyptian left the pitch in tears, Liverpool had attempted eight shots but immediately after he went off, Liverpool were seemingly doused.

They were on the ascendancy toward the end of the first half and took the lead, rather fortuitously in the second half as Karius rolled the ball against Benzema’s outstretched leg.

But it was also Bale’s crowning moment. The Welsh speedster came on in the second half and just seconds later scored a wonder goal, that left everyone watching stunned. Karius then further stunned the crowd as Bale’s speculative shot melted through his fingers.

Real Madrid are champions for a third consecutive time a second time in their history.

Wednesday 23 May 2018

The £350k electric Jaguar which Prince Harry and Meghan Markle drove to their wedding reception belonged to Jamiroquai musician who died of cancer last year

May 23, 2018

The £350k electric Jaguar which Prince Harry and Meghan Markle drove to their wedding reception belonged to Jamiroquai musician who died of cancer last year

It has been revealed that the £350k electric Jaguar in which Prince Harry drove Meghan Markle to their wedding reception atFrogmore House, Windsor, on Saturday, previously belonged to Jamiroquai musician Toby Grafftey-Smith, who died last year at the age of 46 after a six-year battle with cancer.


‘The royal wedding car was bought from Toby. His brilliance is everywhere,' his widow, Gabriella Crewe-Read, 43, was quoted on Mail Online.

She also added that her late husband who was a classic car enthusiast and member of the British jazz-funk band from London, Jamiroquai, is ‘still here’.


The car was reportedly sold after his death by Gabriella, with whom he had three children, but she didn't reveal who bought the car Harry and Mehgan used for their big day with the addition of a personalised numberplate: E190518.

According to the report, the car is a zero-emissions, battery-electric-powered version of the 1968 car with LED headlamps. It was built between 1961 and 1975, the E-Type was described by Enzo Ferrari as ‘the most beautiful car in the world’. This model is said to be worth £350,000

OFFICIAL: Former Nigeria striker son joins Liverpool

May 23, 2018

OFFICIAL: Former Nigeria striker son joins Liverpool

Former Nigerian striker son Ade Akinbiyi joins Premier League side Liverpool according to club official webpage.

Remi Parle-Akinbiyi was unveiled as a player of Liverpool last week alongside England international Trent Alexander-Arnold and the whizkid will play for their U9 team in the 2018-2019 season and hope to emulate his dad.

Akinbiyi was born in London but qualified to play for the Super Eagles through his parents and earned his only cap in a 2-0 defeat to Greece in an international friendly on November 13, 1999.

Akinbiyi started his career with Norwich City before moving to Premier League new boys Wolverhampton Wanderers and become Leicester City's record signing when he joined the clubs in 1999 and 2000 respectively.

Akinbyi also featured for Stoke City, Burnley, Sheffield United, Houston Dynamo, Notts County and Colwyn Bay where he went on to notch 152 goals in 562 appearances in all competitions during his playing days.

This is a good development to him and his boy.

Tuesday 22 May 2018

JET LI unrecognizable due to ill health.

May 22, 2018

JET LI unrecognizable due to ill health.

Photo of ailing martial arts superstar Jet Li stuns fans worldwide

Fans of martial arts superstar Jet Li Lianjie are praying for his health after shocking recent photos revealed the extent of his hyperthyroidism and spinal problems.

The Hollywood icon, who starred in Lethal Weapon 4, Romeo Must Die and more recently, Expendables 2, revealed five years ago he has been suffering from hyperthyroidism.

A recent photo of him visiting a temple in Tibet has been widely circulated with many people taken aback by Li’s frail appearance. The photo also showed he had to be assisted while he walked.

Last year, the 55-year-old Beijing-born actor spoke about his illness after a long absence from the public eye at One Foundation’s charity dinner in the Chinese capital.

The actor then said he had been diagnosed with an overactive thyroid in 2010 and although he took medication that kept his illness in check, the condition kept coming back.

Hyperthyroidism causes changes in a person’s metabolism and heart rate and is usually treated through medication. Li says his strong belief in Buddhism as well as meditation and scripture reading help stabilise his condition.

The action star also said a few years ago that he was unable to perform stressful physical activities due to his condition.

He revealed he had been warned by doctors in 2013 that he “would end up in a wheelchair” if he continued making physically-demanding action films.

He said at the time: “I’m just a regular guy. I’m not Wong Fei-hung. I’m not Huo Yuanjia [kung fu heroes he has portrayed on film]. I’m just like you.”

The star of the breakout Chinese classic Once Upon a Time in China said he was also suffering from leg and spinal problems and that he was unable to stand straight for too long, his poor health the result of decades of demanding film roles, stunts and injuries.

He has been making films since he burst onto the scene as a former national wushu champion while in his teens in the late 1970s.

Li suffered his first major injury at 18 when he tore his knee that required seven-and-a-half hours of surgery. He also sustained a serious back injury at 23.

Netizens were shocked by his recent appearance in Tibet after the photo made the rounds on social media, drawing many comments, mostly of concern for his well-being.

“He was so active before and now he looks like an old man”, said one Chinese netizen.

“His kung fu is real and his films were great. Pity he’s suffering from this illness”, said another.

“I couldn’t even recognise him”, added another netizen.

One social networker said ageing was a natural process and affects everybody but Li had aged far too much having lived a tough life as an action movie star. –

Saturday 19 May 2018


May 19, 2018


This might be the opportunity you have been waiting for, you actually don't need ur JAMB result...You are hereby invited for admission into. various POGIL College of Health Technology HND, ND and Technician programmes for the 2018/2019 academic year.

1.School of Community Health Science
Department of Community Health Extension Worker
       I.  Diploma in Community Health Extension Workers
      II.  Certificate in Junior Community Health Extension Workers (Approved and Accredited by Community Health Practitioners Registration Board of Nigeria) Requirement: (5) O’L in English language, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics
(Not more than two (2) sittings
Duration: 3 & 2 years respectively.

2. School of Dental Health Science
Department of Dental Health Technician
     I.   Diploma in Dental Health Technician (with Basic Nursing)
(Approved and Accredited by Dental Therapist Registration Board of Nigeria) Requirement: five (5) O’L Credits in English language, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics (Not more than two (2) sittings)
Duration: 3 years.

3. School of Environmental Health Science Department of Environmental Health Technology
      I.  HND in Environmental Health Technology
(Approved and Accredited by West Africa Health Examination Board)
Requirement: (5) O’L in English language, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics (Not more than two (2) sittings) and National Diploma in Environmental Health by WAHEB for Direct Entry.
Duration: 2 years

       II.  ND in Environmental Health Technology
(Approved and Accredited by West Africa Health Examination Board)
Requirement: (5) O’L in English language, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics (Not more than two (2) sittings)
Duration: 2 years

        III.  Department of Environmental Health.   Technician
programme: i. Diploma in Environmental Health Technician
(Approved and Accredited by West Africa Health Examination Board)
Requirement: five (5) O’L Credits in English language, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics (Not more than two (2) sittings)
Duration: 3 years.

4. School of Health Education & Promotion
         i. Diploma in Health Education and Promotion
(Approved and Accredited by West Africa Health Examination Board)
Requirement: five (5) O’L Credits in English language, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics (Not more than two (2) sittings)
Duration: 2 years + 1 year IT.

5. School of Health Information Management Department of Health Information Management
         i. ND in Health Information Management Requirement:
five (5) O’L Credit in English language, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and    one other subject from Geography, Economics, Religious    Studies and national Language.

Duration: 2 years + 1 year (IT)

        ii. Professional Diploma (PD) in Health Information Management Requirement:
Three (3) O’L credit in English Language, Mathematics/ Biology/Health Science and    two passes in Physics or Chemistry and any other Subject.
Duration: 3 years
(Approved and Accredited by Health Records Officers Registration Board of Nigeria)

6. School of Dispensing Opticianry
    Department of Dispensing Opticianry
        I. Diploma in Dispensing Opticianry
(Approved and Accredited by Optometrist and Dispensing Optician Board of Nigeria) Requirement: Minimum of four (4) credits in WASSC/NECO at not more than two sittings in the following Subject: English Language, Mathematics, Physics, and Biology.
Duration: 3 years

  7. School of Pharmacy Technician:
Department of Pharmacy Technician
        i. Diploma in Pharmacy Technician (Approved and Accredited by Pharmacists Council of Nigeria)

Requirement: Five (5) O’L Credit in English language, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics
Duration: 3 years

  8. School of Medical Laboratory Science
Department of Medical Laboratory Technician
        I.   Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technician:
(Approved and Accredited by Medical Laboratory Science Council of Nigeria)
Requirement: Five (5) O’L Credit in English language, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics
Duration: 3 years


I.  POGIL College of Health Technology is also known as POCHTECH by acronyms
II.  We are neither affiliated with any institution nor any college affiliated with us.
III.  Our Gradates will be mobilized for NYSC scheme after completion of their HND program.
IV.  Our fees are moderate and affordable
V.  Hostel Accommodation is within the campus for both male & female up to 500 Bed space capacity
VI.  free transportation and medical care for our students that reside outside the campus
VII.  Admission into programmes in POCHTECH is either through JAMB or Direct Entrance Exams.

DATE: 18th AUGUST, 2018
Form fee: N7500 only
For further Enquiries call: 08169848313


Thursday 17 May 2018

IG Had Brain Block -Neurologist, Dr. Nura Alkali

May 17, 2018

IG Had Brain Block -Neurologist, Dr. Nura Alkali

A Neurologist with Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University (ATBU) Dr. Nura Alkali, has tried to explain what happened to the Inspector General of Police as he couldn’t read his speech in a video that has gone viral since yesterday.

Dr. Nura Alkali explained on Facebook that, “Having watched the IGP Idris speech video, I can only conclude that he had a brain block. What caused it I cannot tell, since I lack his medical history. But I suspect one of three possibilities: Severe emotional stress, a non-motor seizure, or transient global amnesia.

“He is certainly not dyslexic, after all, he has read public speeches flawlessly in the past. And from available evidence, the video was not doctored. I advise the IGP to see an experienced neurologist or psychiatrist, who should also watch the video.”

Dr. Nura Alkali also added that, “Some of us find it hard to believe that a medical condition can make a speech sound like a “broken record”. Well, one of such causes is transient global amnesia (TGA)

“The main sign of TGA is being temporarily unable to form new memories. This is called prominent anterograde amnesia. During the episode of TGA, the person will seem disoriented in time and often ask questions about the date or their environment over and over again. This may be described as the person sounding like a “broken record.” ”

Others have argued that the IG of Police may be on some hard drugs in a country where drug use is commonplace among big men, who use these drugs because of the hectic job they do all round the clock.

Dr. Nura Alkali’s Facebook page.

Sunday 13 May 2018

Joke Turns To War! Davido and Tiwa Savage Unfollow Each Other On Instagram -

May 13, 2018

Joke Turns To War! Davido and Tiwa Savage Unfollow Each Other On Instagram

What happened like a little joke seems to have metamorphosed into an underground war as Davido and Tiwa Savage have unfollowed each other on Instagram.

It started on Twitter when Wizkid announced his search for a sister, a line from Davido’s latest song Assurance.

Davido had replied to the tweet mentioning Tiwa’s name an indication that he was privy to the viral rumours about Wizkid’s and Tiwa’s affair.

Although Tiwa had responded to the tweet in a playful manner, a follow up has shown that she really didn’t find Davido’s tweet funny for tweeting about her.

Right now both top entertainers are no longer following each other on Instagram and it is not clear who left first.

Saturday 12 May 2018

Meet Femi Otedola’s Only Son, Fewa (Photos)

May 12, 2018

Meet Femi Otedola’s Only Son, Fewa (Photos)

CEO of Forte Oil, Femi Otedola, is blessed with four children, three daughters and a son. While his second daughter, DJ Cuppy and third daughter, Temi Otedola who is a fashion blogger, are well known in the media, his first daughter, Olawumi, and his only son, and last child, Fewakeep things private.

Last year, during World Autism Day on the 2nd April, Temi Otedola shared a personal story on her JTO Fashion blog about living with autism with her younger brother, Fewa.

She started off by saying “Autism Awareness day was launched 9 years ago to raise awareness and conversation about the people living with autism around the globe. with this in mind, I have decided to share my own personal experience with autism.”

Talking about how her parents told them about her brother, she says:

In 2004, my mum called my sisters and me into her bedroom. With the composure only a mother can have, she told us that our baby brother, Fewa, had ‘special needs’. While my sisters asked questions, all I could do was think about what this would mean for me, the already overindulged, youngest of three girls. Thankfully, my selfishness quickly wore off and Fewa quickly became the centre of our family. The role of an older sister always entails some sort of responsibility. However, the role of an older sister to an autistic sibling is a great deal more work. At first, it seemed like every day with him was a challenge, especially for my mother. I remember seeing my mum helping Fewa with simple tasks like brushing his teeth, helping him to get dressed, or feeding him lunch, with each day ultimately ending in exhaustion. Our family has been so blessed to have help from carers, but no one can deny the resilience my mother has had raising Fewa. It is the thing I most respect about her.

On her brother, she says:

Every day, I see him becoming more independent. Our relationship is becoming less one-sided; I can truly say that we are friends. Fewa doesn’t need anyone’s sympathy. He is the most genuine and caring person I know. This is probably why I have never seen Fewa’s autism as necessarily and totally negative, it is a unique characteristic that adds to the complexity of the person that he is

I am not naïve or unrealistic. I certainly have some gnawing worries about the future. Fewa will always need support of some kind. At age sixteen he still requires 24 hour help. I would say that the biggest misconception about autism is that people who have it are socially inept geniuses – Rainman, anyone? Yes, that is true for some autistic people, but there is a reason the official term is “autism spectrum disorder”. It is a spectrum, and it can range from children who are not able to speak at all to children who can go to normal schools.

On coping with Fewa’s autism, she says:

No matter what I do, I need to build my life with Fewa in mind. My parents won’t be around forever, and his care and well-being will become the responsibility of me and my sisters. It is true that consideration for Fewa will always affect the decisions I make in my life. Despite this, Fewa is by no means a burden. These worries do not reduce the immense love I have for my brother who has brought so much joy and shown me the purest form of love. To quote The Bard, “Love sought is good, but given unsought is better.” It is Fewa’s unconditional love that has shaped me into the woman I am today – a sister, a teacher, a carer and a best friend.

Meet Femi Otedola’s Only Son, Fewa (Photos)

May 12, 2018

Meet Femi Otedola’s Only Son, Fewa (Photos)

CEO of Forte Oil, Femi Otedola, is blessed with four children, three daughters and a son. While his second daughter, DJ Cuppy and third daughter, Temi Otedola who is a fashion blogger, are well known in the media, his first daughter, Olawumi, and his only son, and last child, Fewakeep things private.

Last year, during World Autism Day on the 2nd April, Temi Otedola shared a personal story on her JTO Fashion blog about living with autism with her younger brother, Fewa.

She started off by saying “Autism Awareness day was launched 9 years ago to raise awareness and conversation about the people living with autism around the globe. with this in mind, I have decided to share my own personal experience with autism.”

Talking about how her parents told them about her brother, she says:

In 2004, my mum called my sisters and me into her bedroom. With the composure only a mother can have, she told us that our baby brother, Fewa, had ‘special needs’. While my sisters asked questions, all I could do was think about what this would mean for me, the already overindulged, youngest of three girls. Thankfully, my selfishness quickly wore off and Fewa quickly became the centre of our family. The role of an older sister always entails some sort of responsibility. However, the role of an older sister to an autistic sibling is a great deal more work. At first, it seemed like every day with him was a challenge, especially for my mother. I remember seeing my mum helping Fewa with simple tasks like brushing his teeth, helping him to get dressed, or feeding him lunch, with each day ultimately ending in exhaustion. Our family has been so blessed to have help from carers, but no one can deny the resilience my mother has had raising Fewa. It is the thing I most respect about her.

On her brother, she says:

Every day, I see him becoming more independent. Our relationship is becoming less one-sided; I can truly say that we are friends. Fewa doesn’t need anyone’s sympathy. He is the most genuine and caring person I know. This is probably why I have never seen Fewa’s autism as necessarily and totally negative, it is a unique characteristic that adds to the complexity of the person that he is

I am not naïve or unrealistic. I certainly have some gnawing worries about the future. Fewa will always need support of some kind. At age sixteen he still requires 24 hour help. I would say that the biggest misconception about autism is that people who have it are socially inept geniuses – Rainman, anyone? Yes, that is true for some autistic people, but there is a reason the official term is “autism spectrum disorder”. It is a spectrum, and it can range from children who are not able to speak at all to children who can go to normal schools.

On coping with Fewa’s autism, she says:

No matter what I do, I need to build my life with Fewa in mind. My parents won’t be around forever, and his care and well-being will become the responsibility of me and my sisters. It is true that consideration for Fewa will always affect the decisions I make in my life. Despite this, Fewa is by no means a burden. These worries do not reduce the immense love I have for my brother who has brought so much joy and shown me the purest form of love. To quote The Bard, “Love sought is good, but given unsought is better.” It is Fewa’s unconditional love that has shaped me into the woman I am today – a sister, a teacher, a carer and a best friend.

These are the Nigerians that featured in the “Black Panther” Movie (Photos)

May 12, 2018

These are the Nigerians that featured in the “Black Panther” Movie (Photos)

These are the Nigerians that featured in the “Black Panther” Movie (Photos)

Black Panther is a 2018 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name. It seems the movie will take major awards in the year 2018 and also break records. Apart from the fact it is an all-black heroes’ cast movie, it is also interesting to know that some actors of Nigerian descent were also featured in the movie.

According to report, there are about five Nigerian actors the featured in the Black Panther movie and this will surely bring excitement to Nigerian movie lover and may also increase the revenue the movies will like accrue in the country at the cinemas.

These are just a brief bio of the Nigerian casts in the Black Panther movie.

Tunde Laleye

Tunde Laleye is a Nigerian and indigene of Lagos state. He moved to the United States with his family in 1997 where he completed his secondary school education. He is a registered nurse and studied the Eric Morris Process of Acting. He has acted in several films and television series including Zoo and MacGyver. He is a Border Tribesman (uncredited) in the Black Panther.

Sope Aluko

Sola Aluko was part of the cast in the popular movie Pitch Perfect 2. The Nigerian-born mother of two speaks four languages including her native language, Yoruba. She has two degrees in marketing and engineering and also studied Drama education at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts (LAMDA) and has performed at the National Arts Theatre in Lagos, Nigeria.

She has acted in The Good Lie, 96 minutes and Identity Thief. She plays the role of Shaman.

Tari Omoro Jr.

Tari is an American of Nigerian descent. He fell in love with acting while studying computer science at the Tyler Junior College. He was a member of the crew of the box office film, Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle. Black Panther will be his first film. He is a Jabari Drummer.

David Opegbemi
Not much is known about Opegbemi. He played the role of a Club Patron in the TV series, Empire, in 2017. He is a Jabari Warrior in Black Panther

Amechi Okocha

Okocha is an American-born Nigerian. He has featured in so many movies, even way back in 2012. His best performance in any movie seemed to be in the 2013 film, Speechless. He plays the role of Bueze in the Black Panther.

N-Power 2017/2018 Recruitment Final List Of Shortlisted Candidates Is Out – Check Here

May 12, 2018

N-Power 2017/2018 Recruitment Final List Of Shortlisted Candidates Is Out – Check Here

N-Power 2017/2018 Recruitment Final List Of Shortlisted Candidates – This is to inform all participant who participated in the 2017 Npower Assessment Test, that the Npower Scheme has on this note released the 2N-Power 2017/2018 Recruitment Final List Of Shortlisted Candidates for the 2018 Npower programme. Please, note that all the guides and steps on how to check the Npower list will be updated here.

For all applicants, you can only check the list via the Npower portal at So we urge you to read carefully to access your Npower list.

How to check N-Power 2017/2018 Recruitment Final List Of Shortlisted Candidates

1. visit the official Npower portal at

2. Enter your login details in the space provided

3. Make sure that the login details you entered are correct

4. Finally, click on the submit button & wait patiently for the list to pop out.

If you are finding it difficult to access the Npower Recruitment 2017/2018 Full List Of  Shortlisted Candidates do not panic, Kindly drop your phone number and email Address in the comment box below and we all get back to you. Don’t forget to share this post with your friends using the share buttons.

Davido Becomes The Youngest Nigerian To Own A Private Jet

May 12, 2018

Davido Becomes The Youngest Nigerian To Own A Private Jet

Define Assurance and Davido comes to mind. 

The past few days has been the best yet for OBO Davido. Davido who had earlier said that he ‘peace of mind’ has bought himself a private jet making him the youngest Nigerianto own one.

This information is coming in hours after his personal assurance and girlfriend, Chioma Avril Rowland, landed a partnership deal for her cooking show and Davido became a brand ambassador of the Infinix telephone brand.

He tweeted:

It is not yet known how deep he dipped into his pocket to purchase one. Although jets come in different prices due to the aircraft models, its age and how long it has been used also influence its price.

If the age and usage are put into cognizance, a jet cost between 1 million (N3.6 Billion for over 30 years) to over $100 million (N36 billion) and requires maintenance of about $700,000 (N252,000,000) to $4 million (N1.44 billion) per year.

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Five ways to know that your man has another woman

May 09, 2018

Five ways to know that your man has another woman

Night Reading

As much as we want to look the other side and avoid speaking about extra-marital affairs in our society, it is real. The bug has already caught up with us. A guy has a girlfriend or a wife but they just won’t zip-up so they have ‘side chicks’ all over.

And sad as it may sound, more women are accepting and embracing the fact that they are just that..,side chicks. But some women fail to read the pointers that show they are the side chicks probably because the guy has been lying that they aren’t married neither are they seeing anyone else.

Here are signs to look out for to know if you are the third wheeler:

Communication incoherence

This should be the number one pointer. If your man doesn’t pick up or respond to your texts in good time and always insist that you wait for them to contact you, be alert. If again, he can’t call you past a particular time, he is probably with the main. And if you call and he receives but he is somewhat incoherent and always in a hurry to hang up, look deeper.

Stays indoors when you are together

If he is a bit reluctant to walk around with you whenever you are together and insists that you just hang out in the house, he probably is hiding something. Otherwise, if you are the main and he is very proud of you, he wouldn’t mind showing you off to the world.

Late night dates-your place

When he is always ‘working until late’ and therefore prefers coming to your house late after work for dinner, there could be a problem. Find out why always your place and never his place.

No Public Display of Affection

PDA should never be an issue in a relationship. Many times, people in love can hardly keep their hands to themselves even in public. They always sneak touches here and there. If your man is extra cautious on even holding hands in public, it could a sign you are only a side chick. He avoids it because in case he is spotted, he can always convince the wife you are ‘just a friend/colleague’.

No emotional attachments

If every time you try to bring up a deep and emotional conversation, he dodges, find out why. He most certainly is avoiding to get an emotional connection with you since it would only complicate matters for him.

When these aren’t all the reasons to know if you are the third wheeler, it is a good place to start.

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